Welcome to the North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police website. NCFOP is comprised of more than 6,000 law enforcement officers and fifty local lodges across the state. Our members work in local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in almost every county in the State. If your county does not have a local lodge you can join a lodge located nearby. If your county does not have a lodge and you would like to start one, please let us know and we will be glad to work with you to establish one.
The Fraternal Order of Police was established in 1915 by two Pittsburgh Police Officers to create better working conditions for our law enforcement profession. This effort led to our National Fraternal Order of Police organization which is now the largest Police Fraternity in the world, representing 365,000 members and 2,100 local lodges. On the legislative front, the Fraternal Order of Police continues to work with national and state lawmakers on legislation to improve our profession and benefits on behalf of the members of our organization.
A major difference between the Fraternal Order of Police and other law enforcement organizations is the fact that our organization is actually law enforcement officers representing law enforcement officers. In other words, all lodge officers from the National FOP Lodge, State FOP Lodges, and Local FOP Lodges are either active or retired law enforcement officers.
The Fraternal Order of Police continues to grow, support our members, and improve our law enforcement profession because we are…